About Us

Lush Massage Club

The Lush Massage Club, a sanctuary it is, Where the whispers of healing ignite inner bliss, In this ethereal haven where hearts are made light, You'll find respite from the world, a refuge at night.

In the heart of tranquility’s embrace, where gentle whispers dance with grace,There lies a haven, a cherished space, where souls find solace and troubles erase.
Welcome, dear wanderer, to the Lush Massage Club,
Where dreams unfold and hearts take flight, amid a symphony of soft candlelight.

Step through the threshold, leave behind the noise, let the burdens of life fade into a distant poise.For here, amidst the fragrant air, healing hands shall tend to your every care,An orchestra of touch, a tapestry of bliss, where worries scatter, and serenity insists.

The journey begins as you lay upon a bed, a canvas for sensations that shall gently spread.From head to toe, each stroke is art, a rhythmic melody composed by a masterful heart.The oils and essences whisper their sweet refrain, as they mingle and merge, soothing every pain.

Oh, how the hands dance upon your skin, their gentle caresses akin to a celestial hymn,They speak a language unspoken, a silent communion, where the world outside finds no intrusion.
Tensions unravel, knots slowly unwind, as harmony and balance become entwined.

Time surrenders its ceaseless race, as minutes morph into infinite space,Your worries and fears are cast away, as the present moment holds absolute sway.The symphony of touch crescendos and falls, releasing the symphony of your soul’s calls,A euphoria, a reverie, that cascades within, awakening dormant senses like a cherished kin.

About our FAQ

Requires you to make an appointment with a physical therapist in advance

We only accept cash and do not support online payment

12:00 noon to 2:00 am

Remember to consult with the contact us to get accurate and up-to-date information regarding their services, pricing, and policies.

Our Bedroom